- MON – FRI: 9.00AM –9.00PM
Shaving is the removal of hair, by using a razor or any other kind of bladed implement, to slice it down—to the level of the skin or otherwise. Shaving is most commonly practiced by men to remove their facial hair and by women to remove their leg and underarm hair
Preparation is Key:
- Begin with a pristine surface.
- Clean your face or the intended shaving area using warm water and a mild cleanser.
- This primes the pores and softens the hair, preparing it for a clean shave.
Gentle Exfoliation:
- Exfoliate gently to rid the skin of dead cells and release any trapped hairs.
- This step helps prevent ingrown hairs and ensures a smoother shave.
Choose the Right Shaving Cream or Gel:
- Use a shaving cream or gel that suits your skin type.
- If you have very dry or sensitive skin, opt for a product labeled “sensitive skin.”
Shave in the Direction of Hair Growth:
- This helps prevent razor bumps and burns.
- Rinse after each swipe of the razor.
Use a Sharp Blade:
- A dull blade can cause nicks and irritation.
- Change your blade or disposable razors after 5 to 7 shaves to minimize irritation.
Store Your Razor in a Dry Area:
- Ensure your razor dries completely between uses to prevent bacterial growth.
- Do not leave your razor in the shower or on a wet sink.
Special Care for Acne-Prone Skin:
- If you have acne, be gentle while shaving.
- Experiment with electric or disposable blade razors to find what works best for you.
- Avoid shaving off acne directly, as it can worsen the condition.